scoil aiseiri chriost

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Annual Admission Notice

Click here for our admission notice and enrolment forms.

UCC Visit for 5th class

5th Class pupils and parents enjoyed meeting Professor Fluffy at UCC. They learned all about what college life is going to be like for them in a few years time. It’s going to be good!

Pizza party for the camogie team

A well earned pizza party for our camogie team. The girls have been an absolute credit to themselves. They had huge commitment all year which showed in the matches they played. We really appreciate the effort that every girl put in for the school team.

School Calendar 2022-2023

Click here to view our school calendar for the next school year!

Sports Day Adventures!

An incredible Sports Day was the highlight of Active Schools Week for everybody on Friday. Click here to view the fun!


Rachel Uí FhlannabhraPrincipal

Deirdre ScullyDeputy Principal

Der FitzgibbonChairperson BOM


scoil aiseiri chriost